By: Ricardo Gómez Hernández A commissioned work can be defined as that which is not the product of the author's initiative nor is it derived from...
Category: Articles
The Trade-Dress
By: Ana Esther Urquizo The commercial image of a product or service -also known as trade-dress in English- can be registered with the Mexican Institute...
Tax Anti-Abuse Rules
By: Andrea Mendoza Molina Derived from the tax reforms that have been carried out in recent years, the Federal Tax Code (“CFF”) was amended...
International Standards on Compliance -Part Two
By: Leslie Ortiz Martínez Another outstanding standard in the field of Compliance is ISO 73001:2016 "Anti-bribery Management Systems", which is designed to help...
Pro-Bono - Contracts in Civil Society Organizations in Mexico
By: Luis Gerardo Ramírez Villela Civil society organizations carry out their day-to-day operations in accordance with the normal operation of any business,...
Mergers & Acquisitions legal considerations in Mexico: Indemnification Procedure
By: Luis Gerardo Ramírez Villela In all mergers and acquisitions transactions, the structuring of compensation clauses and procedures is relevant for the...
International Standards on Compliance
First Part By: Leslie Ortiz Martínez The International Organization for Standardization, ISO for its acronym in English, is made up of various national organizations for standardization and...
Mergers & Acquisitions legal considerations in Mexico: Representations & Warranties
By: Luis Gerardo Ramírez Villela. The operations of mergers and acquisitions have been increasing over time and although they were mainly based on...
Stock Option Plans
Stock option plans establish a right, usually in favor of administrators or directors (indistinctly referred to as "officers") of a company, to acquire certain...
Merger of companies – Tax aspects
For legal purposes, a merger is considered to exist when two or more companies merge into a single company or when they merge to create...