The Trade-Dress

By: Ana Esther Urquizo

The commercial image of a product or service -also known as trade-dress- can be registered before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property as a trademark, being included together with holograms, smells and sounds within the so-called "non-traditional trademarks". These and the traditional trademarks -such as, among others, words, figurative elements, letters, numbers and color combinations- are according to article 171 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Industrial Property “...any sign perceptible by the senses and capable of being represented in a way that allows determining the clear and precise object subject matter of protection, which distinguishes products or services from others of the same kind or class in the market".

Nearshoring is a practice whereby companies transfer, either by themselves or through third parties, the totality or a part of their production or supply chains to either the country that will be their final market or to a third country close to it. . .1 .

Indeed, the set of characteristics of a product or service that, when combined in a certain way, make them unique, allows the consumer to identify them in the market. It is about the appearance of a product or service. It is also about its presentation.

Our Courts have established that "it is usual that the trademark is per se, or is associated with certain appearance, or distinctive look as ornamental elements and complements in general, for example, colors, type, style of lettering, packaging, etc. Thus, this sign or appearance with which the trademark sign is offered or advertised in the market is known as "commercial image", and has a dynamic function and a psychological ingredient, because it evokes or imprints in the mind of the consumer a set of the peculiarities of the product or service, either by inherent distinctiveness or acquired by use. On the other hand, this association is dual, both with the entrepreneur and with the good, to the extent that the more notorious, recognized, and famous is the mark, the better valued, accepted and reputed the products and services are".2 .

A typical example of a trade-dress is a service franchise -gift stores, travel agencies, to name a few- or restaurants whose colors, furniture and layout, decoration, menu, typeface, architectural design, characters, and uniforms, among other peculiarities, make them special.

An internet page or a web site where products and services of all kinds are commercialized because of the expansion in e-commerce operations is not excluded as a trade-dress and is also subject matter of protection under such figure.

The registration of a Commercial Image will be valid for a term of ten years, renewable for periods of equal duration, and its owner must also declare its use after the third year of registration. In addition, its unauthorized use shall be sanctioned as provided for in the law.

Article 386.- The following are administrative offenses:

XXIV.- To use the combination of distinctive signs, operative or image elements, which allow the identification of products or services that are the same or similar in degree of confusion to others protected by this Law and which by their use cause or induce the public to believe or assume a non-existent association with the person who accredits the right;

When the consuming public is induced to believe or presume that there is a relationship between a duly registered Commercial Image of a product or service with another of which it has no right whatsoever, taking benefits of the competitive advantage in favor of its owner, it shall be considered, therefore, that there is an administrative infringement punishable with:

I.- Fine up to the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand units of measurement duly updated, in force at the time the infringement is committed, for each conduct that is performed,

II.- Additional fine up to the amount of one thousand units of measurement duly updated, for each day that the infringement continues,

III.- Temporary closure for up to ninety days, and

IV.- Definitive closure. The sanctions will be applied according to the seriousness of the conduct or omission incurred by the infringer, without any specific priority as to their imposition.3

The Commercial Image of a product or service is therefore, essential to stand out in a saturated market, and its registration is highly recommended. The consumer public will undoubtedly recognize a product or service and distinguish it from another of the same kind or class, due to its configuration, layout, and arrangement. It will be the plurality of all those elements and their combination that will strengthen and determine its Commercial Image, which will lead its owner to obtain a competitive advantage.

[3] Article 388 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Industrial Property

[2] Thesis Digital Registration Number 170512 named "Commercial Image, its characteristics"

[1] Article 172, section VII of the Federal Law for the Protection of Industrial Property